9 Best Foods to Eat When Detoxing From Alcohol

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of your body, particularly in the conversion of food into energy and the regulation of brain metabolism. Unfortunately, if you have an alcohol use disorder, you’re at an increased risk of thiamine deficiency. This deficiency can lead to severe health issues like Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS), which affects the brain and nervous system.

Niacin, or vitamin B3, can also be found in pork, as well as in fortified cereals, salmon, and swordfish. Whole grains, milk, eggs, and liver are perhaps the best food sources for B5, or Pantothenic https://ecosoberhouse.com/ Acid. Although herbal alcohol detox isn’t a new concept, it hasn’t been widely accepted in the West as many experts and medical professionals turned to the use of pharmaceuticals for withdrawal.

Understanding Alcohol’s Impact on Vitamins

Malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies in drug addicts and alcoholics are common problems. Not only are the substances being used filled with toxins, but also the secondary effects of addiction may lead to a vitamin deficiency or malnutrition. Some drugs like cocaine or Adderall are believed to suppress a person’s appetite or interfere with the body’s metabolism. When they do eat, they may only snack on junky or sugary foods instead of eating a healthy and nutritious meal. Over time, these vitamin deficiencies may lead to more serious problems such as muscle weakness, digestive problems, nerve damage, cardiovascular issues, and more. Substances of use may also affect how the body absorbs vitamins and nutrients.

  • Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble nutrient that the body needs for many biological processes such as, enzyme reactions, hormone synthesis, and tissue structure.
  • Doctors can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs, medical history, and existing conditions.
  • Alongside herbal remedies, it’s essential to consume antioxidants to help neutralize free radicals—harmful molecules that can damage cells in your body.
  • Doctors may recommend multivitamin supplements containing B1, B2, B3, B6, and vitamin C.
  • More specifically, B vitamins can aid in the alcohol withdrawal process.

They are often a necessary part of detox for people who have been drinking very heavily for months or years. The neurotransmitters in your brain produce dopamine to help you “feel good”, however, drinking interrupts these neurotransmitters. Unfortunately, regular consumption means addicts require drinking in order to feel good, although the feeling isn’t sustainable. In my experience, my nutritional deficiencies were resolved after one to three months of supplementation. Unfortunately, the average multivitamin is not enough to put an end to withdrawals.

Why Do We Need Supplements For Alcohol Detox?

Zinc is another nutrient that may be lacking in your body as you recover from alcohol addiction.Among other benefits, you need zinc to keep anxiety at manageable levels. Anxiety is a symptom of alcohol withdrawal, so best vitamins for recovering alcoholics increasing your zinc intake may help ease withdrawal. Moreover, low magnesium decreases muscle movement, and low iron can lead to anemia. People with an alcohol addiction tend to have low levels of vitamins A and E.
